Welcome to

Normal Schmormal

Coaching Services.

THE place to be for folks with ADHD!

Weirdo-Owned and proudly operateD

Hi. My name is Jess. I am an ADHD & Executive Skills Development Coach

- & I have ADHD.

I’m so glad you’re here.

As an ADHD & Executive Skills Development Coach, I bring decades of experience in building & running academic success programs in multiple accredited university settings. But more important, I bring decades of experience as a late-diagnosed neurodivergent person & professional who had to forge my own ways of doing things to be successful… Until I got my ADHD diagnosis & everything started to make more sense.

Now I’m devoted to helping others with impaired executive functioning (& their people) find their own best ways to succeed, through not only my personal & professional experiences but based on current robust peer-reviewed published studies from the experts in ADHD & cognitive dysfunctions. ADHD (Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) is currently believed to be a neurodevelopmental impairment, & it’s formally classified as a federally protected disability in the United States. One of the most prominent manifestations of ADHD is difficulty with consistency.

ADHD is NOT WHO WE ARE, or a direct reflection of our intelligence, care, effort, or personality. I’m here to help you learn to see and believe this, & to help you believe in yourself, in spite of & because of ADHD. YOU are AWESOME.

Stop letting ADHD ru(i)n the show.

Start successfully managing it today.

“I can't express the depth of my appreciation for Jess' empathy, knowledge, and careful wisdom as a coach. She knows how to share the right resources and support at exactly the right time. Jess will listen to you deeply, support you enthusiastically, and will help make sure you stop feeling alone in the struggle. Get in touch to change your life!”- David B, Program Coordinator of the MS in Applied Data Science for Business (State University)

Look out for the upcoming Newsletter!